
12 min

9 Great Employer Branding Content Examples From Fast-Growing Tech Companies

? TL;DR: Effective employer branding content doesn’t require a massive, Microsoft-sized budget. Small and midsized tech companies can excel with content for employer branding despite resource restrictions.

To prove it, we found employer branding content examples from 10 companies. Key takeaways include:

  • Lokalise uses different content types that promote recruiting transparency and set candidate expectations
  • Miro dedicates an Instagram account to helping candidates get hired and thrive at the company
  • Recorded Future emphasizes content around diversity initiatives and minority groups
  • CockroachLabs uses website copy to create a sense of excitement around working on innovative products
  • ClickUp chose unconventional content forms like a music album to mirror their less-than-conventional culture
  • HotJar promotes their collaboration culture by publishing content through collaboration tools like Confluence
  • Personio prioritizes carefully crafted and edited video content to showcase employees and life at the company
  • Fi attracts like-minded candidates and pet lovers by showcasing an incredible pet-friendly work setup
  • Turner Consulting Group uses a witty and non-pretentious tone of voice to emphasize a human approach to work and collaboration

Think you need a massive creative team and content budget to build an irresistible employer brand?

If you feel you can’t compete with tech giants like Apple or Spotify without the resources to match, well, think again.

We’re here to show you it’s possible. To prove it, we hadnd-picked nine employer branding content examples from small and midsized tech companies doing it right.

By the end of this article, you’ll see it’s not about Hollywood-grade production, but about authentically telling a story that top talent can’t ignore.

employer branding content examples blog header image

#1 Lokalise: Transparency At Every Step

Lokalise, a localization and translation management platform, is a prime example of using content to show candidates what to expect when applying and working at the company.

Some of the first things that pop up on Lokalise’s careers page are positive Glassdoor reviews and employer statistics.

If you’re lucky to have reviews from happy employees, include them in your employer branding content strategy. Words have a stronger impact when they come from impartial team members.

lokalise employer branding content example - glassdoor review
Source: Lokalise

Further on, Lokalise boasts well-written descriptions of the company’s core values, work culture, benefits, and perks that employees get to enjoy.

But perhaps what stands out the most on the careers page is a clear description of the recruitment process.

lokalise employer branding content example - recruitment process
Source: Lokalise

Applying for a new job is stressful and full of uncertainties. So to ease the pressure and create a more positive experience, Lokalise describes the recruitment process in detail.

That way, the company promotes transparency and helps potential candidates form realistic expectations of the process.

The content efforts don’t stop here. Lokalise also has plenty of resources, such as blog posts, case studies, employee stories, and more.

lokalise employer branding content example  - blog
Source: Lokalise blog

Like many other tech companies, Lokalise didn’t escape unharmed from the great layoff wave of 2022. Even then, they addressed the issue head-on in a blog post and announced they’d be letting off almost a quarter of their employees.

What stands out is that, unlike many bigger companies, Lokalise sincerely admitted their miscalculations, and openly addressed the concerns of those departing.

All this content builds a cohesive brand image and contributes to establishing Lokalise as a conscientious employer.

#2 Miro: Well-Rounded Social Media Presence

It isn’t news that some companies screen job applicants on social media. But did you know that more than half of all job seekers look up employer brands on social media, too?

Miro, a whiteboarding platform company, is aware of how important social media is to attract top talent and produces content accordingly.

The company is present on multiple social media channels, but Miro’s Instagram strategy is especially noteworthy.

Besides a profile dedicated to Miro’s core product, there’s a separate account for posts about life and careers in the company.

This designated account provides hiring and interview tips, among others.

But it’s more than just a channel to promote job openings or career opportunities. It also heavily focuses on promoting internal initiatives and engaging existing employees.

Miro frequently posts well-designed content announcing news about the company on LinkedIn too. This is arguably even more important because that’s where job seekers go to check companies out.

Still, the most sincere indication of a positive employer-employee relationship is when Miro’s staff members post about how their workplace supports them.

9 miro employer branding content example  - employee post
Source: LinkedIn

For Miro, internal employer branding is just as important as what they broadcast to the outside.

This is a tell-tale sign of an employer branding strategy that’s not just about attracting employees; it’s about building an engaged and satisfied workforce overall.

#3 Recorded Future: Inclusion Unlocks Innovation

Most hip companies will label themselves as diverse and inclusive.

However, you must back your words with actions for potential employees to believe you. Then you can translate that into employer branding content, which is exactly what Recorded Future does.

This cybersecurity company operates under the motto “Inclusion unlocks innovation.” To actively show their dedication to diversity, the careers page highlights various dedicated groups for minorities or social groups.

Dedication to diversity is a recurring theme on Recorded Future’s career pages. The company recognizes the power of having multiple different cultures and backgrounds on its team and continuously reinforces that message.

Source: Recorded Future

In the same sense, Recorded Future encourages employees to contribute to inclusiveness in their communities.

For example, employees with long tenures choose a charity that Recorded Future will donate to. This employee chose a charity dedicated to alleviating the homelessness crisis.

Recorded Future employer branding content example - impact award
Source: Instagram

Recorded Future puts their money where their mouth is. That way, their content stands far above bland social media posts full of diversity and inclusion platitudes.

When a business genuinely cares about the community, authentic and sincere employer branding content is a natural byproduct.

#4 Cockroach Labs: Aspire for Greatness

Does your company have a characteristic that sets you apart from competitors when attracting talent? Then, by all means, highlight that trait across your content.

You can see a great example of this approach at Cockroach Labs, a software company.

The content found on the Cockroach Labs website creates the feeling of working on groundbreaking, innovative solutions, which makes skilled tech enthusiasts eager to apply.

“The forefront of developing the world’s best database”—sounds exciting, right?

This company goes one step further and approaches blog posts with extra care.

Aside from a blog section about the industry and engineering, Cockroach Labs dedicates a whole section to the company and culture.

Creating a blog for your company indeed takes more time, resources, and, ideally, an in-house content writer.

Still, well-planned blog posts can help you tell the story about different aspects of your business. This helps prospective talent know what they can expect, but it also serves to engage your current employees.

#5 ClickUp: Anything But Conventional

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, along comes ClickUp to show that there are no creative limits to the content you can use to build your employer brand.

In April 2023, the project management solution provider released—wait for it—a music album.

Twenty-one tracks, featuring professional artists and ClickUp employees, capture the tune of working for the company.

Of course, the album wasn’t intended for commercial success, but it still generated an impressive number of streams. Additionally, the marketing team can now use the songs in ClickUp’s social content, mostly on Instagram and TikTok.

The album is just one way of capturing the company’s spirit. A glance at the career pages will show you that ClickUp’s core values are nothing short of unconventional.

15 clickup employer branding content example - unconventional and straightforward
Source: ClickUp

All in all, great employer branding content isn’t just about Glassdoor ratings and polished office-setting profile shots. An album might be a bit out there, but you can’t deny it makes an impression.  

In summary—you don’t have to bust out the instruments. But you are allowed to have fun, and like-minded applicants will follow, too.

#6 HotJar: Setting the Stage for Remote-First Work

While some businesses, like ClickUp, prefer striking and colorful, others achieve equally effective results by keeping things clean and simple.

HotJar is one such business.

In a fully distributed work arrangement like HotJar’s, clear communication and effective collaboration are key. Those are the main messages and recurring themes that HotJar reinforces through their content.

16 hotjar employer branding content  example - how we work
Source: HotJar

Just like Lokalise, HotJar describes the recruitment process in detail, but pay attention to the channel they chose to publish it.

HotJar has a public Confluence space where interested candidates can learn the details about the company’s workflow.

The space also includes various policies and FAQs about the hiring process, including the exact recruitment procedures.

But why Confluence?

Because Atlassian tools are among the most popular choices for companies that work remotely to collaborate, communicate, and manage projects.

So as you can see, it’s not just the content itself that shows your work style; the channels and content types you choose reflect it too.

#7 Personio: Video Content Is King

So far in this article, we’ve focused on the power of written content (and one music album).

However, more than half of marketers in 2023 consider videos the most valuable content type, and the trends for 2024 work in favor of video as well.

Personio is an HR platform that knows its way around content, especially on social media. They’re present on multiple platforms where video content dominates.

The videos that Personio posts highlight day-to-day life in the company, show prospective career paths, and introduce viewers to real employees. As such, they’re an excellent resource for potential employees.

If you watch Personio’s videos, you’ll see they’re simple and clean, without flashy animations or dramatic transitions.

Instead, they focus on the individual and maintain a clear and bright atmosphere.

You’ll also notice they’re carefully edited for an optimal viewing experience.

For instance, the videos always include captions—a must-have in a world where most people watch videos on mute.

People-first videos like the one Personio produces also allow you to show a less formal side of your business, as you can see in the following video.

In summary, your content doesn’t have to be aggressively interrupting. One of the best ways to tell your employer brand story is to show that you can be authentically casual. 

Sometimes, that includes an office dog!

In fact, since we love dogs so much, here’s another example of how your office pets help you attract top talent with similar affinities.

#8 Fi: For The Love of Pets

Fi produces smart pet collars with an accompanying pet safety and well-being app. Naturally, they want to attract people who equally care about pets to work on such a product.

However, there was one possible obstacle to attracting those people to work in an office—leaving their dogs at home alone.

So Fi did the most sensible thing. They invited the dogs to the office too.

Bit by bit, Fi’s became the “world’s most dog-friendly office”. And they go all in using it as a social media recruitment advantage.

Fi has an Instagram account dedicated exclusively to showing dogs in Fi offices:

All content revolves around one core message: Every day is a bring your dog to world day at Fi”.

The reels are as simple and as authentic as can be, and show a dream work culture for any pet owner.

Cute dog videos and memes cast a wide net and have an incredible reach. Judging by the comments, even non-active job seekers contemplate applying at Fi solely for the dog-focused culture.

Fi is a prime example that budget doesn’t define your employer brand. What matters more is creating content that speaks to your candidates’ interests, desires, and preferences.

If you know what makes your culture unique, you barely need more than a phone and a social media account.

#9 Turner Consulting Group: Serious Business, Fun Work

“Federal IT advisory services” might sound like a bureaucratic, rigid, and highly regulated space to work in.

But does it have to be boring and uninspiring?

Not if you ask Turner Consulting Group (or TCG for short).

TCG provides IT and management advisory services to government agencies. One of TCG’s core missions is accelerating ahead “in an industry that accepts slow and steady as the only possible way.”

So at first glance, the website gives off slight corporate vibes suited to the “slow and steady” industry they operate in.

However, that’s just the first impression. Scratch a bit deeper, read the website copy, and you’re in for a joyful surprise.

Source: TCG

You’ll find all the regular building blocks of employer branding: testimonials, awards, etc. But what stands out is the unwavering positivity and human tone that binds all that content into a cohesive story.

From staff bios to mission statement, the tone is witty, but never kitschy or cringe. It sounds just like real humans with a good sense of humor would talk. And that’s why it works.

TCG succeeds in being “positively distinct”—both for the agencies they work with and their employees. Their website content reflects that spirit, and the career page is no exception.

Here’s another fun nugget.

Check out the footer of the website. Each time you refresh or switch pages, the message changes.

You’ll learn that TCG has been on the Inc. 5000 list ten times, that they have an office snake on purpose, and that the median (and the mode) number of fingers of a TCG employee is 10.

Source: TCG

And who’s to say one piece of information is more important than the other?

All of these fun tidbits make TCG what it is—a vibrant and positive place to work.

Serious stuff and attic squirells alike.

In conclusion, you don’t have to have tons of content and a hip animated website. Simplicity and sincerity work, especially when a great employer value proposition is the glue that binds the whole employee experience together.

What Can You Learn From These Employer Branding Content Examples?

You could book celebrities on Cameo to shoot lovely messages about you as an employer. You could imitate ClickUp and produce an album about your internal work methods.

But would that lead to anything but a dent in your budget?

As these employer branding examples show, the most important thing is to stay true to your core values, show what your company stands for, and build trust.

If there’s one lesson you take away from these examples, let it be authenticity; the best stories come from within.


We hope these examples inspired you to show the world (and candidates) what an amazing work culture you have in your company.

But if you still need a bit of help to turn your ideas into a content strategy, feel free to reach out.

We’ll help you uncover the hidden content gems to reach the right people at the right time and place.

About The Author

Hi, I’m Ivana Maric Dugalic!

CEO and co-founder of Acomplix, content aficionado, language nerd. Got my Masters in German and English translation, spent years in customer service, and honed the art and craft of content marketing.Now I help businesses use content to create meaningful connections and exceptional experiences for their customers.

Here’s how to reach me: